Frequently Asked Questions
I recently registered as a user but am unable to login
This process may require several days until registration is confirmed. The steps are as follows:
- Register for the Portal
- An email will be sent to your company’s administrator for approval
- An email will be sent to IAE’s Internal Administrator for approval
- A confirmation email will be sent with a temporary password and login instructions
I think I am registered as a user but I am unable to login
Try the FORGOT PASSWORD link on the login page (passwords expire every 60 days)
Please follow the Forgot Password Tutorial
If you still cannot login, send an email to [email protected] or call 1-860-565-3550
- 12 months of in-activity will require that you re-register.
- The same Password is shared between the P&W Online Services Portal and the IAE Portal
I can login but need to request access to another resource
Login to the Portal
On the right hand side of the screen under ‘Manage My Resources’ click ‘Request New Resources’
Note: If the ‘Request New Resources’ does not display the resource that you need, please email
[email protected]
I think others at my company use IAE Portal. How do I register as a new user?
You need your company’s registration code for the User Registration link: Register Here
If you do not have your company’s registration code:
- Your company’s internal administrator can provide you with it or
- You can request registration information here: Registration Information Request
My company may not be set up to use the IAE Portal. How do we get set-up?
Submit a registration information request here: Registration Information Request
A customer representative must sign Terms & Conditions.
The individual that accepts the agreement becomes the Default Client Administrator for the company
Once other members are approved, the Client Administrator role can be shared and delegated