Registration Process
Getting Started
If your company is a new customer please contact [email protected] to set-up an agreement.
If your company is registered on the IAE Portal but you do not know your company’s registration code please submit a registration information request by emailing [email protected]
If your company is registered on the IAE Portal and you do know your company’s registration code please proceed to the following link: Register Here
Once your company has established an agreement with IAE, a member of your company will need to sign the Terms & Conditions for the Portal which will make you the default client administrator. We recommend that every company have two client administrators for security and back-up purposes.
All of your company’s employees who would like to register for access on the portal should go to the following website: Register Here and enter in your company’s registration code. This is the same registration code the client administrator used to register for the portal.
The client administrator will need to approve any registration requests first, then it will be sent to IAE for approval. Once the registration request has been fully approved, the following email will be sent out with your next set of instructions:
User Maintenance
As a client administrator you are responsible for validating other user’s requests as they register for access to the IAE portal. Client administrators are responsible for keeping user lists up-to-date. IAE requires client administrators to perform a bi-annual review to ensure registered portal users are still employeed by the company and still require the access they have been granted.